Publicações Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2014) “Impact of different lighting configurations in energy consumption of glass doors multideck display cases”, Refrigeration Science and TechnologyPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Silva A.P., Martinez A.M. (2020) “Medium materials for improving frost detection on a resistive sensor”, Energy ReportsPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2020) “New data center performance index: Perfect design data center—pdd”, ClimatePor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Gaspar P.D., Da Silva P.D., Gonçalves J.P.M., Carneiro R. (2015) “Computational modelling and simulation to assist the improvement of thermal performance and energy efficiency in industrial engineering systems: Application to cold stores”, Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in EngineeringPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2019) “Evaluation of the heat and energy performance of a datacenter using a new efficiency index: Energy usage effectiveness design-EUED”, Brazilian Archives of Biology and TechnologyPor LITecS, Há 10 meses