
TOTAL: 216 (under constant update)

(216) Mendes D., Gaspar P.D., Charrua-Santos F., Navas H. (2023) "Integrating TPM and Industry 4.0 to Increase the Availability of Industrial Assets: A Case Study on a Conveyor Belt", Processes

(215) Cardoso D., Nunes D., Faria J., Fael P., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Intelligent Micro-Cogeneration Systems for Residential Grids: A Sustainable Solution for Efficient Energy Management", Energies

(214) Aguiar M., Gaspar P.D., da Silva P.D. (2022) "Image recognition method for frost sensing applications", Energy Reports

(213) Costa T., Santos L., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Performance Assessment of a Wireless Mesh Network for Post-harvest Food Quality Traceability of Fruit Products: A Case Study; [Avaliação de Desempenho de uma Rede em Malha Sem Fios para Rastreabilidade da Qualidade Alimentar no Pós-colheita de Produtos Frutícolas: Um Caso de Estudo]", Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada

(212) Veiros A., Mesquita R., Gaspar P.D., Simões M.P. (2022) "Multitask robotic rover for agricultural activities (R2A2): a robotic platform for peach orchards", Acta Horticulturae

(211) Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D., Campos R.M., Rodrigues G.C., Lopes C.M. (2023) "Evaluation of a Deep Learning Approach for Predicting the Fraction of Transpirable Soil Water in Vineyards", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(210) Reigones A.R., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System towards Livestock Health Furtherance", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies, ICICT 2021

(209) Alves J., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2024) "The sociodemographic challenge in human-centred production systems–a systematic literature review", Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science

(208) Antunes R., Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "A Dynamic STEM-Driven Approach through Mobile Robotics to Enhance Critical Thinking and Interdisciplinary Skills for Empowering Industry 4.0 Competencies", Technologies

(207) Corceiro A., Alibabaei K., Assunção E., Gaspar P.D., Pereira N. (2023) "Methods for Detecting and Classifying Weeds, Diseases and Fruits Using AI to Improve the Sustainability of Agricultural Crops: A Review", Processes

(206) Ananias E., Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2021) "Artificial intelligence decision support system based on artificial neural networks to predict the commercialization time by the evolution of peach quality", Electronics (Switzerland)

(205) Gaspar P.D., Fernandez C.M., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Silva H. (2021) "Development of technological capabilities through the internet of things (Iot): Survey of opportunities and barriers for iot implementation in Portugal’s agro-industry", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(204) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2023) "Eco-Efficiency in Mushroom Production: A Study on HVAC Equipment to Reduce Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(203) Rodrigues C., Gaspar P.D., Simões M.P., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P. (2022) "Review on techniques and treatments toward the mitigation of the chilling injury of peaches", Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

(202) Hamdane S., Pires L.C.C., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Evaluating the Thermal Performance and Environmental Impact of Agricultural Greenhouses Using Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger: An Experimental Study", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(201) Ilangovan A., Curto J., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Alves N. (2021) "Cfd modelling of the thermal performance of fruit packaging boxes—influence of vent-holes design", Energies

(200) Fernandes D., Silva P.D., Pires L.C., Gaspar P.D. (2022) "Adjusting the Operating Conditions of a Refrigeration System in Order to Reduce the Frost growth on Heat Exchange Surfaces", AIP Conference Proceedings

(199) Agostinho A., Guilherme H., Marcelino S., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Decision Support System for the Application of Lean Healthcare in Stock Management in Health Facilities", 2021 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2021

(198) Gaspar P.D., Godina R., Barrau R. (2021) "Influence of orchard cultural practices during the productive process of cherries through life cycle assessment", Processes

(197) Fernandez C.M., Alves J., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M., Silva P.D. (2023) "Innovative processes in smart packaging. A systematic review", Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

(196) Tavares N., Gaspar P.D., Aguiar M.L., Mesquita R., Simões M.P. (2022) "Robotic arm and gripper to pick fallen peaches in orchards", Acta Horticulturae

(195) Veloso A., Gaspar P.D., Andrade L.P., Santo C.E., Resende M., Silva P.D., Canavarro C., Simões M.P. (2022) "The effect of controlled atmosphere storage on fruit quality and postharvest performance of ‘Sweet Henry’ peach cultivar", Acta Horticulturae

(194) Marcelino S., Gaspar P.D., Paço A. (2023) "Sustainable Waste Management in the Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants—A Systematic Review", Sustainability (Switzerland)

(193) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2021) "Ecoenergetic comparison of HVAC systems in data centers", Climate

(192) Corceiro A., Pereira N., Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D. (2024) "Leveraging Machine Learning for Weed Management and Crop Enhancement: Vineyard Flora Classification", Algorithms

(191) Nery S.B.M., Araújo S.M., Magalhães B.G., de Almeida K.J.S., Gaspar P.D. (2024) "Parkinson’s Disease Severity Index Based on Non-Motor Symptoms by Self-Organizing Maps", Electronics (Switzerland)

(190) Videira J., Gaspar P.D., de Jesus Soares V.N.D.G., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2023) "Detecting and monitoring the development stages of wild flowers and plants using computer vision: approaches, challenges and opportunities", International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics

(189) Alves J., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Novel Design of Assistive Technologies Based on the Interconnection of Motion Capture and Virtual Reality Systems to Foster Task Performance of the Ageing Workforce", Designs

(188) Araújo S.M., Nery S.B.M., Magalhães B.G., Almeida K.J., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Disease Severity Index in Parkinson’s Disease Based on Self-Organizing Maps", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(187) Veloso A., Roque N., Barateiro A., Ramos C., Lopes S., Fragoso P., Silvino P., Vieira F., Horta M.C., Gaspar P.D., Canavarro C., Simões M.P. (2022) "Nutrient status and organic matter content of newly-established peach orchards in central Portugal", Acta Horticulturae

(186) Gomes D.E., Iglésias M.I.D., Proença A.P., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Applying a genetic algorithm to a m-tsp: Case study of a decision support system for optimizing a beverage logistics vehicles routing problem", Electronics (Switzerland)

(185) Freitas A.A., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2022) "Meta-Heuristic Model for Optimization of Production Layouts Based on Occupational Risk Assessment: Application to the Portuguese Wine Sector", Applied System Innovation

(184) Gaspar P.D., Alves J., Quelhas A.S., Domingos C., Caio S. (2023) "A Chromatic Enzymatic Time-Temperature Integrator Device Based on the Degradation of Phenolic Compounds for the Real-Time Prediction of the Quality and Shelf Life of Cherries", Foods

(183) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2022) "Evaluating the Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines Coolers through New Optimization Indexes: Comparison between Refrigeration Systems Using HFC or Natural Refrigerants", Processes

(182) Curto J., Ilangovan A., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2023) "NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE APPLICABILITY OF PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS FOR FRUIT-PACKING ALVEOLI", International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment

(181) Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D., Assunção E., Alirezazadeh S., Lima T.M., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2022) "Comparison of On-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning A2C with Off-Policy DQN in Irrigation Optimization: A Case Study at a Site in Portugal", Computers

(180) Lopes V., Canhao T., Antunes M., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Computational decision-making support tool for the optimized application of phytopharmaceuticals", 2021 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2021

(179) Gonçalves M., Marques T., Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2023) "Prototype Solution for Detecting and Signaling Road Pavement Defects Based on Computer Vision Techniques; [Protótipo de Solução para Detetar e Sinalizar Defeitos em Pavimentos Rodoviários Baseado em Técnicas de Visão Computacional]", RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

(178) Aleluia V.M.T., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Livestock Monitoring Prototype Implementation and Validation; [Implementação e Validação de um Protótipo para Monitorização de Gado]", Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada

(177) Fernandes P., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2023) "Peltier Cell Integration in Packaging Design for Minimizing Energy Consumption and Temperature Variation during Refrigerated Transport", Designs

(176) Santos E., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Optimization of the Production Management of an Upholstery Manufacturing Process Using Lean Tools: A Case Study", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(175) Gonçalves M., Marques T., Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2023) "Road Pavement Damage Detection using Computer Vision Techniques: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities; [Deteção de Defeitos em Pavimentos Rodoviários com Recurso a Técnicas de Visão Computacional: Abordagens, Desafios e Oportunidades]", Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada

(174) Rosa G.J.M., Afonso J.M.S., Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2024) "Detecting Wear and Tear in Pedestrian Crossings Using Computer Vision Techniques: Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities", Information (Switzerland)

(173) Pina M., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2021) "Decision support system in dynamic pricing of horticultural products based on the quality decline due to bacterial growth", Applied System Innovation

(172) Pereira D., Leitao J.C.C., Gaspar P.D., Fael C., Falorca I., Khairy W., Wahid N., El Yousfi H., Bouazzama B., Siering J., Hansmann H., Zascerinska J., Camilleri S., Busuttil F., Borg M., Mizzi J., Micallef R., Cutajar J. (2023) "Exploring Irrigation and Water Supply Technologies for Smallholder Farmers in the Mediterranean Region", Sustainability (Switzerland)

(171) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., Souza H.J.L. (2021) "Measuring the energy efficiency of evaporative systems through a new index—evacop", Energies

(170) Assunção E., Gaspar P.D., Mesquita R., Simões M.P., Alibabaei K., Veiros A., Proença H. (2022) "Real-Time Weed Control Application Using a Jetson Nano Edge Device and a Spray Mechanism", Remote Sensing

(169) Pinto de Andrade L., Veloso A., Espírito Santo C., Dinis Gaspar P., Silva P.D., Resende M., Beato H., Baptista C., Pintado C.M., Paulo L., Simões M.P. (2022) "Effect of Controlled Atmospheres and Environmental Conditions on the Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Sweet Cherry Cultivar Satin", Agronomy

(168) Gaspar P.D., Alves J., Pinto P. (2021) "Simplified approach to predict food safety through the maximum specific bacterial growth rate as function of extrinsic and intrinsic parameters", ChemEngineering

(167) Rocha R.G., Paço A.D., Alves H., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "The Portuguese Circular Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Experts Advice on How to Overcome the Challenges", Sustainability (Switzerland)

(166) Jesus G., Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D. (2022) "Computational Tool to Support the Decision in the Selection of Alternative and/or Sustainable Refrigerants", Energies

(165) Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Andrade L.P., Soares C.D. (2022) "Technological modernization and innovation of traditional agri-food companies based on ICT solutions—The Portuguese case study", Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

(164) Micaelo E.B., Lourenço L.G.P.S., Gaspar P.D., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J. (2023) "Bird Deterrent Solutions for Crop Protection: Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities", Agriculture (Switzerland)

(163) Freitas A.A., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "A Fuzzy Logic-Based Selection Approach to Select Suitable Industry 4.0 Tools for Ergonomic Risk Mitigation: Application to the Portuguese Wine Sector", Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

(162) Lemos J., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2022) "Individual Environmental Risk Assessment and Management in Industry 4.0: An IoT-Based Model", Applied System Innovation

(161) Lebre B., Silva P.D., Pires L.C., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Computational modeling of the thermal behavior of a greenhouse", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(160) Filho J.J.D.S., Gaspar P.D., Souza A.C.D., Paço A.D. (2024) "Circular Economy in Guaiamum and Uçá Crab Waste in Brazil: Potential By-Products—A Systematic Literature Review", Resources

(159) Pakpahan O.P., Moreira L., Camelo A., Karya D., Martins A.C., Gaspar P.D., Santo C.E. (2023) "Evaluation of comparative scenarios from different sites of chestnut production using life cycle assessment (LCA): Case study in the Beira Interior region of Portugal", Heliyon

(158) Magalhães B., Gaspar P.D., Corceiro A., João L., Bumba C. (2022) "Fuzzy Logic Decision Support System to Predict Peaches Marketable Period at Highest Quality", Climate

(157) Mendes D., Gaspar P.D., Charrua-Santos F., Navas H. (2023) "Synergies between Lean and Industry 4.0 for Enhanced Maintenance Management in Sustainable Operations: A Model Proposal", Processes

(156) Freitas A.A., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2022) "Ergonomic Risk Minimization in the Portuguese Wine Industry: A Task Scheduling Optimization Method Based on the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm", Processes

(155) Assunção E., Gaspar P.D., Alibabaei K., Simões M.P., Proença H., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2022) "Real-Time Image Detection for Edge Devices: A Peach Fruit Detection Application", Future Internet

(154) Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M., Campos R.M., Girão I., Monteiro J., Lopes C.M. (2022) "A Review of the Challenges of Using Deep Learning Algorithms to Support Decision-Making in Agricultural Activities", Remote Sensing

(153) Alves J., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Is Industry 5.0 a Human-Centred Approach? A Systematic Review", Processes

(152) Mendes A., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Lean Tools Selector - A Decision Support System", 2021 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2021

(151) Ilangovan A., Hamdane S., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D., Pires L. (2022) "Promising and Potential Applications of Phase Change Materials in the Cold Chain: A Systematic Review", Energies

(150) Rebelo J., Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2022) "A Novel mHealth Approach for the Monitoring and Assisted Therapeutics of Obstructive Sleep Apnea", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(149) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2021) "Evaluation of the thermal performance and energy efficiency of crac equipment through mathematical modeling using a new index cop weued", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(148) Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2021) "Crop yield estimation using deep learning based on climate big data and irrigation scheduling", Energies

(147) Aguiar M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2023) "Optimized Placement of Frost-Measuring Sensors in Heat Exchangers via Image Processing of Frost Formation Pattern", Sensors

(146) Oliveira C., Pereira J., Santos E., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Optimization of the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Route Using the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Model and Capacity Constraint", Applied System Innovation

(145) Alves J., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M., Silva P.D. (2023) "What is the role of active packaging in the future of food sustainability? A systematic review", Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

(144) Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Domingues L.C., Silva D.M. (2022) "Real-Time Temperature and Humidity Measurements during the Short-Range Distribution of Perishable Food Products as a Tool for Supply-Chain Energy Improvements", Processes

(143) Simões J.P., Gaspar P.D., Assunção E., Mesquita R., Simões M.P. (2022) "Navigation system of autonomous multitask robotic rover for agricultural activities on peach orchards based on computer vision through tree trunk detection", Acta Horticulturae

(142) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2021) "Refrigeration of COVID-19 vaccines: Ideal storage characteristics, energy efficiency and environmental impacts of various vaccine options", Energies

(141) Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D., Assunção E., Alirezazadeh S., Lima T.M. (2022) "Irrigation optimization with a deep reinforcement learning model: Case study on a site in Portugal", Agricultural Water Management

(140) Fernandes J., Gaspar P.D., Menino E., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J. (2023) "The Use of Technology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy: Trends and Open Issues; [O Uso da Tecnologia no Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Epilepsia: Tendências e Problemas em Aberto]", Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada

(139) Assunção E.T., Gaspar P.D., Mesquita R.J.M., Simões M.P., Ramos A., Proença H., Inacio P.R.M. (2022) "Peaches Detection Using a Deep Learning Technique—A Contribution to Yield Estimation, Resources Management, and Circular Economy", Climate

(138) Marcelino S., Hamdane S., Gaspar P.D., Paço A. (2023) "Sustainable Agricultural Practices for the Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Evidence and Recommendations", Sustainability (Switzerland)

(137) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J. (2023) "An Eco-Energetic Performance Comparison of Dehumidification Systems in High-Moisture Indoor Environments", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(136) Ananias E., Gaspar P.D. (2022) "A Low-Cost Collaborative Robot for Science and Education Purposes to Foster the Industry 4.0 Implementation", Applied System Innovation

(135) Morais D., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Nunes J. (2022) "Energy consumption and efficiency measures in the Portuguese food processing industry", Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

(134) Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2021) "Modeling soil water content and reference evapotranspiration from climate data using deep learning method", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(133) Gaspar P.D., Alves J., Lima T.M. (2022) "Towards the Application of a Simplified Approach for OSH Risk Assessment Through a User-Friendly and Expedite Computational Tool", Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

(132) Mendes D., Gaspar P.D., Charrua-Santos F., Navas H. (2023) "Enhanced Real-Time Maintenance Management Model—A Step toward Industry 4.0 through Lean: Conveyor Belt Operation Case Study", Electronics (Switzerland)

(131) Proença A.P., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2022) "Lean Optimization Techniques for Improvement of Production Flows and Logistics Management: The Case Study of a Fruits Distribution Center", Processes

(130) Lemos J., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2022) "Environmental Risk Assessment and Management in Industry 4.0: A Review of Technologies and Trends", Machines

(129) Alibabaei K., Assunção E., Gaspar P.D., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J. (2022) "Real-Time Detection of Vine Trunk for Robot Localization Using Deep Learning Models Developed for Edge TPU Devices", Future Internet

(128) Aguiar M., Gaspar P.D., da Silva P.D. (2023) "Thermal Management of Short-Range Distribution of Perishable Food Products Using Phase Change Materials in Packaging: Real-Time Field Data Acquisition", Energies

(127) Mesquita R., Gaspar P.D. (2022) "A Novel Path Planning Optimization Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for UAVs for Bird Monitoring and Repelling", Processes

(126) Leitão F., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D., Pires L.C., Duarte D. (2021) "Experimental study of thermal performance of different fruit packaging box designs", Energies

(125) Nanga R., Curto J., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Cruz J.M.S. (2023) "NUMERICAL PARAMETRIC STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF FRUIT PACKAGING BOXES ARRANGEMENT ON FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER", International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment

(124) Videira J., Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2024) "A Mobile Application for Detecting and Monitoring the Development Stages of Wild Flowers and Plants", Informatica (Slovenia)

(123) Marcelino S.M., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2023) "Lean Laboratory—Designing an Application of Lean for Teaching and Research Laboratories", Designs

(122) Fortuna G., Gaspar P.D. (2022) "Implementation of Industrial Traceability Systems: A Case Study of a Luxury Metal Pieces Manufacturing Company", Processes

(121) Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G., Caldeira J.M.L. (2021) "ICT-Enabled Agri-Food Systems", Environment and Climate-smart Food Production

(120) Menezes G., Gaspar P.D., Mesquita R., Assunção E., Simões M.P. (2022) "GPS-based autonomous navigation system for multitask robotic rover for agricultural activities with augmented reality web application for supervision support on peach orchards", Acta Horticulturae

(119) Ribeiro J.P.L., Gaspar P.D., Soares V.N.G.J., Caldeira J.M.L.P. (2022) "Computational Simulation of an Agricultural Robotic Rover for Weed Control and Fallen Fruit Collection-Algorithms for Image Detection and Recognition and Systems Control, Regulation, and Command", Electronics (Switzerland)

(118) Ilangovan A., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Gonçalves A.R., Sampaio A.M., Pontes A.J., Alves N. (2022) "CFD parametric study of thermal performance of different fruit packaging box designs", AIP Conference Proceedings

(117) Fernandez C.M., Alves J., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2021) "Fostering awareness on environmentally sustainable technological solutions for the post-harvest food supply chain", Processes

(116) Nunes J., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Gaspar P.D. (2014) "Characterization of the specific energy consumption of electricity in the Portuguese sausage industry", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment

(115) Morais D., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Pires L.C., Andrade L.P., Nunes J. (2019) "Characterization of refrigeration systems in the Portuguese food processing industry", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(114) Leitão F., Madhan S.K., da Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Experimental Testing of the Thermal Response of Different Food Alveoli Solutions for Packaging Boxes", Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

(113) Kumar S., Leitão F., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2021) "EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF THE THERMAL BEHAVIOUR OF NEW SUSTAINABLE BIO-PACKAGING FOOD BOXES", Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management

(112) Machadeiro L.T., Gaspar P.D., Castelo-Branco M. (2020) "Telemonitoring devices and systems: Current status and future trends", EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing

(111) Andrade L.P., Nunes J., Simões M.P., Morais D., Cannavarro C., Espírito Santo C., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Resende M., Caseiro C., Beato H., Belane Y., Ferreira D. (2019) "Experimental study of the consequences of controlled atmosphere conservation environment on cherry characteristics", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(110) Aguiar M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2019) "Further development and experimental testing of a resistive sensor for monitoring frost formation in refrigeration systems", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(109) Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2015) "Experimental study of the influence of consumers movement parallel to the frontal opening of multideck display case on the evaporator's thermal performance", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(108) Felizardo V., Gaspar P.D., Garcia N.M., Reis V. (2013) "Acquisition of multiple physiological parameters during physical exercise", Digital Advances in Medicine, E-Health, and Communication Technologies

(107) Mendes A., Cruz J., Saraiva T., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2020) "Logistics strategy (FIFO, FEFO or LSFO) decision support system for perishable food products", 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2020

(106) Curto J.P., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Traceability in food supply chains: Review and SME focused analysis—Part 1", AIMS Agriculture and Food

(105) Zocca R., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Santos F.C., Andrade L.P., Nunes J. (2019) "Decision-making computationally aided in the management of energy sources used in agrifood industries", Energy Procedia

(104) Aguiar M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2019) "Modeling the heat transfer and the pressure loss in flat fin-and-tube compact heat exchangers", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(103) Seco I., Gaspar P.D., Magrinho M., Castelo-Branco M. (2018) "Preliminary study of a non-invasive portable device for continuous monitoring of blood alcohol concentration", Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST

(102) MacEdo D.G.C.S., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Covas M.T., Godina R. (2019) "Improving Airflow and Thermal Distribution in a Real Data Centre Room Through Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling", Proceedings of 2019 8th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management, ICITM 2019

(101) Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D., Andrade L.P., Nunes J., Domingues C. (2016) "Best practices in refrigeration applications to promote energy efficiency: The portuguese case study", Food Industry: Assessment, Trends and Current Issues

(100) Gaspar P.D., Da Silva P.D. (2015) "Preface", Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications in Refrigeration Systems and Technologies

(99) Santos A.F., de Souza H.J.L., Gaspar P.D. (2019) "Evaluation of the heat and energy performance of a datacenter by a new efficiency index: Energy usage effectiveness design - EUED", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(98) Gaspar P.D., Carrilho Gonçalves L.C., Pitarma R.A. (2012) "CFD parametric studies for global performance improvement of open refrigerated display cabinets", Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

(97) Silva P.D., Pires L., Patrício C., Gaspar P.D. (2017) "Characterization of the thermal performance of an outdoor telecommunication cabinet", International Journal of Energy Production and Management

(96) Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Nunes J. (2019) "Computational Tool for the Analysis of the Energy Performance of Cold Storage Systems in the Wine Industry", Trends in Beverage Packaging: Volume 16: The Science of Beverages

(95) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2020) "New HVAC sustainability index-TWI (Total water impact)", Energies

(94) Abbas Jibrin A., Adams E.E., Alberello A., Ali S., Aliyu A., Alvarado J., Anselmet F., Apollonio C., Arastoopour H., Arrigo R., Arwatz G., Arzani A., Askari R., Atencia J., Aytac Z., Azaroual M., Babaei M., Baboolal T., Badin G., Balachandar R., Balk A.M., Baltazar L.G.C., Baltus R., Bandilla K.W., Bao J., Barati R., Bartzis J., Basha O., Basse N.T., Beatus T., Beckingham L.E., Benilov E., Benim A.C., Benni S., Besagni G., Besharat M., Bianchini C., Biancolini M.E., Biferale L., Blacker T., Bolmatov D., Bonn D., Borazjani I., Borrego C., Bostwick J., Bouchet G., Braun D., Breitsamter C., Brilliantov N., Brkić D., Brooks C., Brujan E.-A., Burgreen G., Bus J.S., Bykov V., Carton X., Carvalho R., Casals Terre J., Chang S.-W., Charmet J., Cheng B., Chertovskih R., Chiappini D., Chiva S., Choi J.-I., Climent E., Collins D.J., Concli F., Cordier L., Crawshaw J., Dalmoro A., Dashtian H., Davide A., De Luca L., Delfs J.-O., Deng H.-Y., Devendran C., Dimakopoulos Y., Dimitrakopoulos G., Dinis M.A.P., Dinis Gaspar P., Discetti S., Doinikov A., Dokhani V., Domenici V., Doostmohammadi A., Dorne J.-L., Drapaca C., Drikakis D., Dritschel D.G., Dritselis C., Duchemin L., Dudzinski D.M., Einstein D.R., Emami-Meybodi H., Engles T., Eslam-Panah A., Espinoza N., Estelle P., Ettema R., Everbach E.C., Ezhova E., Fahs M., Fang F., Faucher V., Fernández M., Ferraro D., Ferrero E., Firoozabadi A., Flåtten T., Foysi H., French D., Friedrich B.M., Gaitan D.F., Gandhi S.S., Ganguly S., Garcia J., Gardini D., Garrido-Jurado J., Gershenzon N., Gidaspow D., Gissen A.N., Giudici M., Glicksman L., Gomez T., González I., Goswamee R.L., Gramstad O., Grecov D., Grondzik W., Gross A., Guan Y., Guo W.-D., Habibi M., Hadji L., Hamed A.M., Hargather M.J., Hashemi M., Hazel A., He Z., Heimdal Nilsson E., Helenbrook B., Helfield B.L., Heuberger M., Hoath S., Hossan M.R., Hrissanthou V., Hsu W.-L., Hu H., Ikeo S., Iliescu T., Inserra C., Ioannou P.J., Ipsakis D., Isaac K., Islam M., Jacobi I., Jakli A., Javadi A., Jensen A., Jeong S.K., Ji J., Jimenez M., Jirásek A., Jog C.S., Jung S., Kamrin K., Karabelas A.J., Kashaninejad N., Keating E.H., Keramaris E., Khalili F., Khoshmanesh K., Kim I., Kim M.C., Kobayashi K., Kolomenskiy D., Kondrashov D., Kong B., Kopel P., Koshel K., Krishnamurthy R., Kristóf G., Krivets V., Król M., Kubo M., Kurien S., Kurkina O.E., Kwak K.-H., Kwan A., Le T.Q., Le Clainche S., Leonzio G., Li C., Li X., Li Q., Li G., Lin C., Lintuvuori J., Lionetto F., Liu G., López-Jiménez P.A., Lua K.B., Maalouf C., Mahmud S., Maia A., Maki Y., Malcangio D., Malekpour A., Malloggi F., Malvé M., Manneville P., Marchioli C., Marinkovic D., Marino R., Marmottant P., Marti J., Martinell J., Martinopoulos G., Martins A., Massoudi M., Mathijssen A.J.T.M., Mauri R., Mccue S., Medina Y., Meiss A., Mejia J.F., Meneguzzo F., Methven J., Miller L., Minev P.D., Mishra A., Mittal N.K., Mohammadian M., Monzón A., Moored K.W., Morbiducci U., Morillo J., Mu X., Mukin R., Mulleners K., Müller U., Nandi T.N., Nardi F., Naser J., Nayeri C., Nguyen Q.T., Nielsen V., Noack B.R., Nones M., Oertel M., Ohba R., Oliver A., Oliveto G., Oliviero F., Örlü R., Oskouie A., Ostrovsky L.A., Pagonabarraga I., Palermo M., Pamies R., Papakonstantis I., Papantoniou I., Patel S., Peixinho J., Pellegrini M., Perazzo A., Perinelli D.R., Pini V., Poncet S., Pop I., Poy G., Průša V., Punt A., Qi D., Rafael S., Rahmat E., Rajagopal K., Rajib A., Ranade V.V., Rempel E.L., Ren L., Revell A., Rey A., Rezaei-Gomari S., Ribe N., Richard P., Rob M., Rodriguez-Rodriguez J., Roekaerts D.J.E.M., Rohacs J., Rostami A.B., Roullet G., Ryzhov E., Sadati M., Salili S.M., San O., Sanchez R., Scapinello M., Schaffarczyk A.P., Schekochihin A.A., Schmidt T., Scholle M., Schultz K.M., Scungio M., Severino G., Shabgard H., Shadloo M., Shafiei A., Sharma P., Sheremet M., Singh R., Sivakumar M., Skvortsov A., Socha J.J., Soleimani-Mohseni M., Soler J.M., Son M., Sorrentino G., Sparavigna A.C., Stahelin R., Stastna M., Stayanov M., Stefanescu R., Stremler M.A., Suarez I.F., Sucosky P., Sun R., Sunderland P., Suslov S., Sutyrin G., García T.J., Tafarojnoruz A., Tagawa Y., Tahmasebi P., Tao C., Teixeira A.R., Telyakovskiy A., Theunissen R., Thibault P., Thorpe A.J., Tiribocchi A., Tjhung E., Tran T., Traub L., Triantafyllou M.S., Tribbia J., Trivedi C., Trulsen K., Tsukahara T., Uchida Y., Valipour P., Van Gorder R.A., Vasiliades L., Vassilicos J.C., Vatani A., Veldman A.E.P., Verdelis K., Vereide K., Vilarrasa V., Vinuesa R., Vuthaluru H.B., Wagner M., Walcek C., Wang L., Wang Y., Wanjiku J., Watanabe T., Wei K., Westerberg L.-G., Wilson S., Woszidlo R., Wu W.-T., Wu J., Xenos M., Xie X., Xie Y., Xu Z., Xu K., Yoon H.J., Yoshida S., Zeiri Y., Zeyghami S., Zhang Y., Zhang Y., Zheligovsky V., Zijl W., Zimmerman W.B., Zimont V.L. (2019) "Acknowledgement to reviewers of fluids in 2018", Fluids

(93) Nunes J., da Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Domingues L., Gaspar P.D. (2016) "Energy assessment of the Portuguese meat industry", Energy Efficiency

(92) Assuncao E., Diniz C., Gaspar P.D., Proenca H. (2020) "Decision-making support system for fruit diseases classification using Deep Learning", 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2020

(91) Varandas L., Faria J., Gaspar P.D., Aguiar M.L. (2020) "Low-cost IoT remote sensor mesh for large-scale orchard monitorization", Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks

(90) Macedo D.G.C.S., Godina R., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Covas M.T. (2019) "Parametric study by means of 3D CFD to improve the airflow pattern and temperature distribution in data center rooms", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(89) Nascimento S.M., Heidinger G.G., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2019) "Numerical and experimental evaluation of the aerodynamic drag of the air curtain in Vertical Open Refrigerated Display Cases", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(88) Gaspar P.D., Gonalves L.C.C., Pitarma R.A. (2012) "Detailed CFD modelling of open refrigerated display cabinets", Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

(87) Galvão D., Gaspar P.D., Da Silva P.D., Pires L. (2017) "Thermal performance, usage behaviour and food waste of domestic refrigerators in a university student community: Findings towards cities sustainability", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment

(86) Matias F., Pires L.C., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D. (2020) "Experimental study of a hybrid solar photovoltaic, thermoelectric and thermal module", E3S Web of Conferences

(85) Fernandez C.M., Freitas A.A., Morais A.N., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2020) "Fleet Management Optimization in Car Rental Industry: Decision Aid Models for Logistics Improvement", 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2020

(84) Gaspar P.D., Da Silva P.D. (2015) "Handbook of research on advances and applications in refrigeration systems and technologies", Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications in Refrigeration Systems and Technologies

(83) Pereira T.M., Gaspar P.D., Simões M.P. (2020) "Fruit recognition and classification based on SVM method for production prediction of peaches – Preliminary study", Acta Horticulturae

(82) Morais D., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Santos F.C., Andrade L.P., Nunes J. (2019) "Assessment of the energy consumption and technologies in the bakery and pastry sector - The Portuguese case study", Energy Procedia

(81) Gaspar P.D., da Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Nunes J., Santo C.E. (2020) "Technologies for monitoring the safety of perishable food products", Research Anthology on Food Waste Reduction and Alternative Diets for Food and Nutrition Security

(80) Gaspar P.D., Pinheiro R., Domingues C., Almeida C., Paiva T., Pereira C.D., Velho M.V. (2015) "Training requirements for the agro-food industry in Portugal", International Journal of Food Studies

(79) Batista G., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2013) "Control, regulation and command system of hydronic radiant floors heating by wireless and energy harvesting sensors and actuators", Key Engineering Materials

(78) Nunes J., Silva P.D., Domingues L., Andrade L.P., Gaspar P.D. (2014) "Energy evaluation of refrigeration systems in Portuguese fruit and vegetable industry", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(77) Nunes J., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Domingues C., Gaspar P.D. (2015) "Opportunities for the energy efficiency improvement in the dairy food sector - The case study of Portuguese traditional cheese industries", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(76) Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2020) "OSH Empowerment of Portuguese Agri-food MSMEs Through the Application of Computational Tools of Risks Assessment", Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

(75) Delgado C.B., Silva P.D., Pires L.C., Gaspar P.D. (2017) "Experimental study and numerical simulation of the interior flow in a telecommunications cabinet", Energy Procedia

(74) Mesquita R., Gaspar P.D. (2020) "A Path Planning Optimization Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for UAVs for Bird Monitoring and Repelling - Simulation Results", 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2020

(73) Zocca R., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D., Charrua-Santos F. (2019) "Kaizen Approach for the Systematic Review of Occupational Safety and Health Procedures in Food Industries", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

(72) Zocca R.O., Gaspar P.D., da Silva P.D., Nunes J., de Andrade L.P. (2018) "Introduction to Sustainable Food Production", Sustainable Food Systems from Agriculture to Industry: Improving Production and Processing

(71) Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2020) "Optimization and further experimental testing of a resistive sensor for monitoring frost formation in refrigeration systems", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(70) Gaspar P.D., Felizardo V., Garcia N.M. (2015) "A review of monitoring and assisted therapeutic technology for AAL applications", Ambient Assisted Living

(69) Caldeira J.M.L.P., De Jesus Soares V.N.D.G., De Figueiredo Dinis Oliveira Gaspar P.M., Rodrigues J.J.P.C., Fontes R.M.V., Silva J.L.L. (2018) "ISENSA - A system for collecting and integrating sensor data", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems

(68) Valente M., Silva H., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J., Gaspar P.D. (2019) "Computer vision approaches to waste containers detection; [Técnicas de Visão Computacional para a Deteção de Contentores de Resíduos]", Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

(67) Cunha J., Gaspar P.D., Assunção E., Mesquita R. (2021) "Prediction of the Vigor and Health of Peach Tree Orchard", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

(66) Carrilho D.G., Silva P.D., Pires L.C., Gaspar P.D., Nunes J. (2017) "Quantification of the thermal resistance variation in evaporators surface due to ice formation", Energy Procedia

(65) Carneiro R., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2015) "3D and transient numerical modeling of door opening and closing processes and its influence on thermal performance of cold rooms", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(64) Carneiro R., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Domingues L.C. (2016) "Numerical modeling of cold room's hinged door opening and closing processes", AIP Conference Proceedings

(63) Gaspar J.P., Gaspar P.D., da Silva P.D., Simões M.P., Santo C.E. (2018) "Energy life-cycle assessment of fruit products-case study of Beira Interior's Peach (Portugal)", Sustainability (Switzerland)

(62) Duarte M.V., Pires L.C., Da Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D. (2015) "Current and future trends of refrigerants development", Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications in Refrigeration Systems and Technologies

(61) Alibabaei K., Gaspar P.D., Lima T.M. (2020) "Modeling evapotranspiration using Encoder-Decoder Model", 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2020

(60) Ilangovan A., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2020) "A parametric study and performance evaluation of the different vent hole configuration for fruit storage packaging box using Computational Fluid Dynamics", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(59) Nascimento S.M., Heidinger G.G., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2014) "Performance variation of vertical open refrigerated display cases in-situ operation and testing according to ISO and ASHRAE standards", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(58) Neves D., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Nunes J., Andrade L.P. (2014) "Computational tool for the energy performance assessment of horticultural industries - Case study of industries in the centre inner region of Portugal", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

(57) Curto J.P., Gaspar P.D. (2020) "SME and quality focused traceability architecture to increase sustainability and profit", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(56) Morais D., Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2021) "DEVELOPMENT OF A MONITORING DEVICE FOR FRUIT PRODUCTS TRANSPORTATION IN THE COLD CHAIN", Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management

(55) Duarte M.V., Pires L.C., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D. (2017) "Experimental comparison between R409A and R437A performance in a heat pump unit", Open Engineering

(54) Duarte M.V., Pires L.C., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D. (2016) "Current and future trends of refrigerants development", Agri-Food Supply Chain Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice

(53) Morais D., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Nunes J. (2019) "Current status and future trends of monitoring technologies for food products traceability", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(52) Matos C., Maciel V., Fernandez C.M., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Decision Support System to Assign Price Rebates of Fresh Horticultural Products Based on Quality Decay", Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies

(51) Do Nascimento S.M., Heidinger G.G., Gaspar P.D., Da Silva P.D. (2015) "Experimental analysis to optimize the performance of air curtains and heat exchangers: Application to refrigerated display cases", Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications in Refrigeration Systems and Technologies

(50) Zocca R., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D., Charrua-Santos F. (2018) "Computational tool to foster systematic thinking and sustainable environmental conscience in the selection of energy sources systems in agrifood companies", Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE

(49) Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Nunes J., Andrade L.P. (2014) "Characterization of the specific electrical energy consumption of agrifood industries in the central region of Portugal", Applied Mechanics and Materials

(48) Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Silva A.P., Martinez A.M. (2020) "Medium materials for improving frost detection on a resistive sensor", Energy Reports

(47) Gaspar P.D., Da Silva P.D., Gonçalves J.P.M., Carneiro R. (2015) "Computational modelling and simulation to assist the improvement of thermal performance and energy efficiency in industrial engineering systems: Application to cold stores", Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in Engineering

(46) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., Hamandosh A., de Aguiar E.B., Filho A.C.G., de Souza H.J.L. (2020) "Best Practices on HVAC Design to Minimize the Risk of COVID-19 Infection within Indoor Environments", Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

(45) Felizardo V., Gaspar P.D., Garcia N.M., Reis V. (2011) "Acquisition of multiple physiological parameters during physical exercise", International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications

(44) Gaspar P.D., Pinheiro R., Domingues C., Almeida C., Paiva T., Pereira C.D., Velho M.V. (2015) "Training requirements for the agro-food industry in Portugal", International Journal of Food Studies

(43) Carneiro R., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2017) "3D and transient numerical modelling of door opening and closing processes and its influence on thermal performance of cold rooms", Applied Thermal Engineering

(42) Talari S., Shafie-Khah M., Chen Y., Wei W., Gaspar P.D., Catalao J.P.S. (2019) "Real-Time Scheduling of Demand Response Options Considering the Volatility of Wind Power Generation", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

(41) Santos A.F., De Souza H.J.L., Cantao M.P., Gaspar P.D. (2016) "Analysis of geothermal temperatures for heat pumps application in Paraná (Brasil)", Open Engineering

(40) Madhan S.K., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2020) "Future trends on innovative green packaging of the food products to deplastification", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(39) Panoias P., Silva P.D., Pires L.C., Gaspar P.D., Nunes J. (2019) "Experimental tests using deactivation of coolant fluid circulation to mitigate frost formation on the heat exchanger surface", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(38) Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2019) "Comparing open and closed vertical refrigerated display cabinets at mild and tropical external environments", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(37) Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D., Nunes J., Andrade L.P.A. (2014) "Specific electrical energy consumption and CO2 emissions assessment of agrifood industries in the central region of portugal", Applied Mechanics and Materials

(36) Duarte M.V., Pires L.C., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D. (2016) "Current and future trends of refrigerants development", Renewable and Alternative Energy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

(35) Gaspar P.D., Felizardo V., Garcia N.M. (2014) "Energy-harvesting methods for medical devices", Rechargeable Sensor Networks: Technology, Theory, and Application: Introducing Energy Harvesting to Sensor Networks

(34) Macedo D., Godina R., Gaspar P.D., da Silva P.D., Covas M.T. (2019) "A parametric numerical study of the airflow and thermal performance in a real data center for improving sustainability", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

(33) Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2014) "Impact of different lighting configurations in energy consumption of glass doors multideck display cases", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(32) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2020) "New data center performance index: Perfect design data center—pdd", Climate

(31) Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2019) "Evaluation of the heat and energy performance of a datacenter using a new efficiency index: Energy usage effectiveness design-EUED", Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

(30) Gonçalves J., Nunes J., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D., Pires L. (2015) "Energy analysis and heat loads calculation approach: Application to agrifood industrial premises", Refrigeration Science and Technology

(29) Curto J., Ilangovan A., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Alves N. (2021) "Numerical study of the impact on cooling behaviour of vent-holes design of fruit packaging boxes", World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress

(28) Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2021) "Testing Of A Resistive Sensor With Fabric Medium For Monitoring Frost Formation In Refrigeration Systems", Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management

(27) Silva J., Fontes R., Gaspar P.D., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J. (2018) "MobiSensA: Development of a mobile APP for iSensA platform; [MobiSensA: Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação Móvel para a Plataforma iSensA]", Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

(26) Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2018) "Experimental evaluation of the thermal performance at different environmental conditions of a low temperature display case with built-in compressor and water-cooled condenser", Applied Thermal Engineering

(25) Nunes J., Neves D., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P. (2014) "Predictive tool of energy performance of cold storage in agrifood industries: The Portuguese case study", Energy Conversion and Management

(24) Nunes Ó.S., Gaspar P.D., Nunes J., Quinteiro P., Dias A.C., Godina R. (2020) "Life-cycle assessment of dairy products-Case study of regional cheese produced in Portugal", Processes

(23) Nunes J., Silva P.D., Andrade L.P., Gaspar P.D. (2016) "Key points on the energy sustainable development of the food industry - Case study of the Portuguese sausages industry", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

(22) Valente M., Silva H., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J., Gaspar P.D. (2019) "Detection of waste containers using computer vision", Applied System Innovation

(21) Curto J.P., Gaspar P.D. (2021) "Traceability in food supply chains: SME focused traceability framework for chain-wide quality and safety—Part 2", AIMS Agriculture and Food

(20) Lourenço M., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D., Santos F.C. (2019) "Assessment and improvement opportunities for occupational health and safety in the Portuguese food processing industry", Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

(19) Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2018) "Experimental study of the fins arrangement pattern of refrigerated display cabinet evaporator towards thermal performance improvement", Applied Thermal Engineering

(18) Correia D.V., Gaspar P.D. (2013) "Embedded system for detection, recognition and classification of traffic signs", Advanced Materials Research

(17) De Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Da Silva P.D. (2018) "Frost measurement methods for demand defrost control systems: A review", Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

(16) Gaspar P.D., Carrilho Gonçalves L.C., Vögeli A. (2010) "Dependency of air curtain performance on discharge air velocity (grille and back panel) in open refrigerated display cabinets", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings

(15) Mendes R.P., Gonçalves L.C., Gaspar P.D. (2010) "Contribution for a better understanding of the technological sustainability in electrical energy production through photovoltaic cells", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal

(14) Gaspar P.D., Carrilho Gonçalves L.C., Pitarma R.A. (2011) "Experimental analysis of the thermal entrainment factor of air curtains in vertical open display cabinets for different ambient air conditions", Applied Thermal Engineering

(13) Gaspar P.D., Gonçalves L.C.C., Ge X. (2010) "Influence of ambient air velocity orientation in thermal behaviour of open refrigerated display cabinets", ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2010

(12) Nabais V., Gaspar P.D., Matias J. (2010) "Renewable energy systems: Industrial and home best practise case studies", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal

(11) Dinis Gaspar P., Espírito Santo A., Ribeiro B. (2010) "MSP430 microcontrollers essentials - A new approach for the embedded systems courses: Part 1 - Overview and tools", EDERC 2010 - European DSP in Education and Research Conference, Proceedings

(10) Dinis Gaspar P., Espírito Santo A., Ribeiro B. (2010) "MSP430 microcontrollers essentials - A new approach for the embedded systems courses: Part 2 - System and peripherals", EDERC 2010 - European DSP in Education and Research Conference, Proceedings

(9) Duarte F., Gaspar P.D., Gonçalves L.C. (2010) "Two axis solar tracker based on solar maps, controlled by a low-power microcontroller", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal

(8) Gonçalves T., Espírito-Santo A., Ribeiro B.J.F., Gaspar P.D. (2011) "A scalable hardware environment for embedded systems education", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

(7) Richner P., Gaspar P.D., Gonçalves L.C., Almeida D. (2011) "Experimental results analysis of the energy conversion efficiency of thermoelectric generators", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal

(6) Paulo J., Gaspar P.D. (2010) "Review and future trend of energy harvesting methods for portable medical devices", WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010

(5) Gaspar P.D., Goncalves L.C.C., Pitarma R.A. (2009) "Three-dimensional CFD modelling and analysis of the thermal entrainment in open refrigerated display cabinets", 2008 Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT 2008

(4) Pitarma R.A., Gaspar P.D., Carvalho M.G. (2004) "Dynamic modelling of refrigerated truck chambers", Computational Studies

(3) Gaspar P.D., Pitarma R.A. (2004) "Evaluation of CFD codes by comparison of numerical predictions of an air-conditioned room case study", Computational Studies

(2) Gaspar P.D., Santo A.E., Ribeiro B. (2010) "MSP430 microcontrollers essentials - A new approach for the embedded systems courses: Part 3 - Data acquisition and communications", EDERC 2010 - European DSP in Education and Research Conference, Proceedings

(1) Gonçalves T., Espírito-Santo A., Ribeiro B.J.F., Gaspar P.D. (2010) "Design of a learning environment for embedded system", WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010