Publicações Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2021) “Testing Of A Resistive Sensor With Fabric Medium For Monitoring Frost Formation In Refrigeration Systems”, Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and ManagementPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Nascimento S.M., Heidinger G.G., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2014) “Performance variation of vertical open refrigerated display cases in-situ operation and testing according to ISO and ASHRAE standards”, Refrigeration Science and TechnologyPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Carneiro R., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2017) “3D and transient numerical modelling of door opening and closing processes and its influence on thermal performance of cold rooms”, Applied Thermal EngineeringPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Silva J., Fontes R., Gaspar P.D., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J. (2018) “MobiSensA: Development of a mobile APP for iSensA platform; [MobiSensA: Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação Móvel para a Plataforma iSensA]”, Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTIPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Neves D., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D., Nunes J., Andrade L.P. (2014) “Computational tool for the energy performance assessment of horticultural industries – Case study of industries in the centre inner region of Portugal”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)Por LITecS, Há 10 meses