Publicações Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2018) “Experimental study of the fins arrangement pattern of refrigerated display cabinet evaporator towards thermal performance improvement”, Applied Thermal EngineeringPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Gaspar P.D., Carrilho Gonçalves L.C., Pitarma R.A. (2011) “Experimental analysis of the thermal entrainment factor of air curtains in vertical open display cabinets for different ambient air conditions”, Applied Thermal EngineeringPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Dinis Gaspar P., Espírito Santo A., Ribeiro B. (2010) “MSP430 microcontrollers essentials – A new approach for the embedded systems courses: Part 2 – System and peripherals”, EDERC 2010 – European DSP in Education and Research Conference, ProceedingsPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Lourenço M., Lima T.M., Gaspar P.D., Santos F.C. (2019) “Assessment and improvement opportunities for occupational health and safety in the Portuguese food processing industry”, Studies in Systems, Decision and ControlPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Dinis Gaspar P., Espírito Santo A., Ribeiro B. (2010) “MSP430 microcontrollers essentials – A new approach for the embedded systems courses: Part 1 – Overview and tools”, EDERC 2010 – European DSP in Education and Research Conference, ProceedingsPor LITecS, Há 10 meses