Publicações Silva J., Fontes R., Gaspar P.D., Caldeira J.M.L.P., Soares V.N.G.J. (2018) “MobiSensA: Development of a mobile APP for iSensA platform; [MobiSensA: Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação Móvel para a Plataforma iSensA]”, Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTIPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Morais D., Aguiar M.L., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2021) “DEVELOPMENT OF A MONITORING DEVICE FOR FRUIT PRODUCTS TRANSPORTATION IN THE COLD CHAIN”, Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and ManagementPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Santos A.F., Gaspar P.D., de Souza H.J.L. (2019) “Evaluation of the heat and energy performance of a datacenter using a new efficiency index: Energy usage effectiveness design-EUED”, Brazilian Archives of Biology and TechnologyPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Heidinger G.G., Nascimento S.M., Gaspar P.D., Silva P.D. (2018) “Experimental evaluation of the thermal performance at different environmental conditions of a low temperature display case with built-in compressor and water-cooled condenser”, Applied Thermal EngineeringPor LITecS, Há 10 meses
Publicações Gonçalves J., Nunes J., Silva P.D., Gaspar P.D., Pires L. (2015) “Energy analysis and heat loads calculation approach: Application to agrifood industrial premises”, Refrigeration Science and TechnologyPor LITecS, Há 10 meses