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Mountains cover a quarter of the Earth, are crucial for water and agriculture, and are home to 15% of the global population. However, they face serious threats, such as desertification and loss of biodiversity, due to climate change and human activities. During COP28, the “Restoring mountain ecosystems” report warned of these problems and proclaimed 2021-2030 as the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.

The “Living Mountain” project, funded by the La Caixa Foundation, seeks to economically exploit wild mountain plants and promote sustainable tourism. Through remote monitoring and artificial intelligence, it identifies beneficial plants and offers real-time information to tourists about trails and local botanical products.

This innovative approach not only strengthens local economies and conserves biodiversity, but also makes mountain regions more resilient to environmental challenges. It is a scientific, technological, and sustainable solution that can be replicated in other mountain areas, contributing to economic development, environmental conservation and responsible tourism.

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